SDB bank | Refinance scheme for SME customers

Refinance scheme for SME customers

Refinance schemes for SME customers
Refinance Credit Schemes for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME) or SME Entrepreneurs at concessional rates to enhancing their existing or new business.
SMELoC 2 – Working capital Financing
Max. Loan amount Rs. 10,000,000/-
Interest Rate 8% p.a. (Fixed)
Main Sectors MSMEs in agriculture, tourism, manufacturing, technology, export-oriented sectors and any MSMEs (except trading, leasing and renting businesses) that are women-led, which require working capital financial needs.
Repayment Period maximum tenor of three (03) years including maximum six months (06) grace period depending on the nature of the business activity.

  • Terms and conditions will apply *

Stimulating Package for Re-energizing the MSME Sector in Sri Lanka - Government Funded Loan Scheme
Max. Loan amount Rs. 15,000,000/-
Interest Rate 7% p.a. (Fixed)
Main Sectors MSMEs in agriculture, tourism, manufacturing, technology, export-oriented sectors and any MSMEs (except trading, leasing, and renting businesses) that are women-led
Eligible Economic
Target beneficiaries are eligible for obtaining investment loans under the scheme for the following economic activities:
  • Purchase of assets such as machinery, equipment or furniture for business expansion, cost reduction initiatives i.e. solar installations or productivity improvement.
  • Vehicle purchase is not allowed unless it is a land vehicle, or sub-borrowers are in the hotels or tourism sectors.
  • Introduce new or advance technologies for business upgrading.
  • New constructions / expansions / refurbishment of a factory, building, warehouse, and tourism sector related locations.
Repayment Period Maximum tenor of 10 years depending on the nature of the business activity.

  • Terms and conditions will apply *

E- Friends 11 Refinance Loan Scheme
Max. Loan amount A: General Loan Scheme - Rs.30 Mn
B: Solar Loan Scheme - Rs.10 Mn
C: Technical Assistance Loan - Rs.1 Mn
Interest Rate A: General Loan Scheme - 6.5% p.a.(Fixed)
B: Solar Loan Scheme - 6.5% p.a.(Fixed)
C: Technical Assistance Loan - 2% p.a.(Fixed)
Main Sectors A. General Loan Scheme
Financially viable industrial manufacturing institutes with maximum total assets with LKR 250Mn. (Excluding land and Building) are eligible for this scheme.

B. Solar Loan Scheme
Manufacturing Industry. Factories, production plants. (Including value addition processes)
Repayment Period Maximum tenor of 10 years depending on the nature of the business activity.

  • Terms and Conditions apply*

Kapruka Ayojana Refinance Loan Scheme
Max. Loan amount Based on the Coconut Cultivation Board approval (Avg. Rs.2 Mn)
Interest Rate 8% p.a. ( Fixed)
Main Sectors Coconut New Planting with intercropping,
Coconut Replanting with intercropping,
Rehabilitation of Coconut lands,
Coconut Mono-Cropping,
Establishment of Drip Irrigation System,
Establishment of flexible pipeline water projects,
Farm Machinery for coconut intercropping,
Cattle, Sheep farming under adult Coconut Plantation,
Upgrading of Machineries relating Coconut Cultivation
Process Registration done by the Coconut cultivation board
Maximum Repayment Period 05 Years with one year grace period basis on the bank policy

SMILLE 111 RF Scheme
Small and Micro Industry Leader and Entrepreneur Promotion Project 111 RF - Refinance Loan Scheme
Max. Loan amount Rs. 25 Million
Interest Rate 8% p.a.( Fixed)
Main Sectors Industries (Machinery & equipment's)
Agriculture (Poly tunnel construction)
Dairy (Cattle purchasing, Shed constructions, Machinery & equipment’s)
Technical Transfer Assistance Scheme To upgrade, accounting, managerial, technical skills of project staff and end products by purchasing quality control equipment, inclusive of laboratory equipment

Rs. 2.5 Mn
Interest Rate: 5% p.a.
Up to 7 years’ basis on the bank policy

SDB Bank has partnered with the government on a Financial Aid Package to revitalize Sri Lanka’s Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector.

E-Calendar 2025